Swing Screenshots

Menu - SimpleDataListFrame - DataPropertyAdministration - DataTableAdministration

To see how the most frequently needed types of UIs for developing Swing database applications are created, these samples are listed with the screenshot, the individual source code and the API documentation of the used framework class.


Created by class mkt.MainMenu
which extends  de.must.wuic.MenuFrame


Created by class mkt.FrKontaktSl.
which extends  de.must.wuic.SimpleDataListFrame


Created by class mkt.FrKontaktPr.
which extends  de.must.wuic.DataPropertyAdministration


Created by class mkt.FrGrPj
which extends  de.must.wuic.DataTableAdministration

© Copyright 2001-2004 Christoph Müller, Kärntner Str. 56, D-70469 Stuttgart, Germany, http://www.must.de