
//elementary! package mkt; import java.sql.SQLException; import de.must.dataobj.*; public class TableCreator extends TableCreatorStd { public static final int UPDATE_UPDATEDAT = 1; // 2009 public static final int UPDATE_REFDARST = 2; // 12.2009 public TableCreator() { super(Global.getInstance()); } protected EntityInfo[] getAllEntityInfos() { return new EntityInfo[] { new DoIdent(), new DoParam(), new DoUser(), new DoKontakt(), new DoGrPj(), new DoGzPj(), new DoKontaktart(), new DoAddressBuffer(), }; } protected String getDatabaseName() { return "Marketing"; } protected boolean isCreationNecessary() { boolean creationRequired = false; DoKontakt doKontakt = new DoKontakt(); if (!doKontakt.openQuery("select * from " + doKontakt.getTableName())) { creationRequired = true; } doKontakt.closeQuery(); return creationRequired; } protected int getUpdateLevel() { // check in sequence from latest to earliest database modification! Thus, only one access is necessary in standard case. int updateLevel = UPDATE_NONE; // ------------------------------------------------ DoKontakt doKontakt = new DoKontakt(); if (!doKontakt.openQuery("select RefDarst from " + doKontakt.getTableName())) { updateLevel = UPDATE_REFDARST; } else doKontakt.closeQuery();; doKontakt = null; // ------------------------------------------------ if (updateLevel == UPDATE_NONE) return updateLevel; // Last modification was checked first. Thus, no further check is to be done here! // ------------------------------------------------ doKontakt = new DoKontakt(); if (!doKontakt.openQuery("select UpdateDat from " + doKontakt.getTableName())) { updateLevel = UPDATE_UPDATEDAT; } else doKontakt.closeQuery();; doKontakt = null; // ------------------------------------------------ return updateLevel; } protected void updateDatabase(DbModifier dbModifier, int updateLevel) { if (updateLevel <= UPDATE_UPDATEDAT) { inform("updating " + DoKontakt.tableName + " ..."); dbModifier.updateTable(Global.getInstance().connectionSpecification, new DoKontakt()); inform("updating " + DoAddressBuffer.tableName + " ..."); dbModifier.updateTable(Global.getInstance().connectionSpecification, new DoAddressBuffer()); } if (updateLevel <= UPDATE_REFDARST) { inform("updating " + DoKontakt.tableName + " ..."); dbModifier.updateTable(Global.getInstance().connectionSpecification, new DoKontakt()); inform("updating " + DoAddressBuffer.tableName + " ..."); dbModifier.updateTable(Global.getInstance().connectionSpecification, new DoAddressBuffer()); initialFillRefDarst(); } } private void initialFillRefDarst() { DoKontakt doKontakt; try { doKontakt = new DoKontakt(Global.getInstance().connectionSpecification.getConnection());"*"); while (doKontakt.nextRow()) { String refDarst = doKontakt.getText("Firma"); String ort = doKontakt.getText("ORTSBZ"); if (refDarst.indexOf(ort) == -1) { if (refDarst.length() > 0) { refDarst += " - "; refDarst += ort; } } doKontakt.setText("RefDarst", refDarst);; } doKontakt.closeQuery(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }

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