
//elementary! /* * Public Domain Sample Code */ package de.jugs.cookbook; import de.must.middle.GlobalStd; import de.must.dataobj.ConnectionSpecification; //import; //import java.util.Properties; //import java.util.PropertyResourceBundle; /** * Container for global objects. To be used for shared use of any objects. * This is session comprehensive. Sample: database connections or connections * pools may be stored here. * @author Christoph Mueller */ public class Global extends GlobalStd { private static Global instance; public final static Global getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new Global(); } return instance; } public Global() { // if (System.getProperty("").equals("Christoph Müller")) { // connectionSpecification = new ConnectionSpecification( // "jdbc:mysql://", "", "cook", "pwd1" // // "cookbook", "cook", "pwd1" // ); // } else { // connectionSpecification = new ConnectionSpecification( // "jdbc:mysql://localhost/cookbook", "", "cook", "pwd1" // ); // } if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("linux")!= -1) { connectionSpecification = new ConnectionSpecification( "jdbc:mysql://localhost/cookbook", "", "cook", "pwd1" ); } else { connectionSpecification = new ConnectionSpecification("Cookbook"); encryptPasswords = false; } } }

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